DAILY / silver prints
Quotidie: Latin word, every day.
What do you say Quotidie ?
That your customs killed your innocence?
And if behind the ostensible banality of what is connected to our doings every day repeated, to our things so much and so much baited…
And if behind the too much cold brightness of white metal, the too much polished granule of hermetic plastic, if behind the shadows and the lights of all these things, these trucks, these daily what's it which use and abuse of our hands…
If behind all of these nothings which end to end make an all… or nothing…
And if here born the magic?
A moment, the time of a different look, other, ----- and the thing is coming to life, his soul is becoming obvious, the invisible is taking form.
Invitation to look the life -------, to better see through all these little daily happiness, which slip out.